During this journey, Sao Mai Group has been always attached to its business philosophy of taking care of interests of its workers and actively contributing to the community. This has been considered the core values ​​of Sao Mai, which was initiated by its founder from the first day of operation.

Workers in IDI Factory of Sao Mai Group

Struggling in the "storm" of global economic recession, many businesses have had to lay off workers and narrow production scale. Sao Mai Group has taken creative and flexible measures to maintain stable jobs for more than 12,000 employees across the country.

With the principle "Trees grow well when they are watered and people thrive when they live in a favorable environment", besides creating business breakthroughs, Sao Mai Group has focused on building a professional working environment for its workers so that they can live happily and work with peace of mind. 

A mid-shift meal for Sao Mai’s workers

Sometimes there is pressure and high demands at work, but there is always openness and a lot of love, where Sao Mai Group’s employees can work in a comfortable, healthy, smoke-free environment.

The company has created a true "second home" for its workers. Employees who are far from home are provided with house rental support, transport fees. Those who wish to buy land to build a house, the company helps them to buy land under a preferential land sale program. In addition to fully enjoying social welfare policies and benefits according to the law, workers enjoy other welfares under Sao Mai Group’s own programs. 

Sao Mai Group supports building houses for employees

During the Covid-19 pandemic, despite countless difficulties, Sao Mai Group’s leaders issued a series of policies to support its employees such as: Sharing working days, "3 on the spot" production, working online and others, with the determination to "leave no one behind". Thanks to these policies, the impact of the epidemic on its employees was minimized, helping them feel secure to join Vietnamese people to effectively fight the pandemic.

Not only devoting effort to taking care of the lives of its employees, Sao Mai Group has always focused on contributing to the community with a meaningful annual program called CSR. With the goal of sustainable development, a welfare fund was established with the spirit of "love to love" to support the company’s employees who in difficult situations as well as disadvantaged people across the country.

In particular, Sao Mai Group was a pioneer in sponsoring activities to prevent and fight Covid-19, in helping victims of floods in the central region, contributing to the fund for promoting education and talent, building charity houses and giving ambulances to hospitals. The Sao Mai program to celebrate Tet (lunar New Year) with the poor has been maintained for more than 26 years.

Mr. Le Van Thanh, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sao Mai Group, presents a specialized vehicle to An Giang Province Police Agency to serve patrol and crime prevention work

Going beyond the limits of money and interests, the bond between businesses and employees is an important measure to evaluate the internal beliefs and strength of the business, when taking the word "heart" as the core values for its production and business activities. 

For Sao Mai Group, that value has been nurtured, molded and developed persistently through the creation of a professional, dynamic working environment and a culture of humane behavior among people in a home named “Sao Mai”.

Tan Hung