The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia celebrates its 86th National Day on 23rd September 2016 to commemorate the unification and founding of the Kingdom at the hands of its founder His Majesty King Abdulaziz Al Saud in 1932, who managed to unite all parts of the Kingdom (with an area of 2.25 million km2) into a Kingdom today considered among the most advanced countries in the Middle East.

The Kingdom is one of the world’s biggest productive economies that achieves annual economic growth among the highest rates globally, ranging from 5% to 7% annually. 

The country enjoys vast natural resources of strategic materials that help it occupy an advanced position in terms of the role played in order to achieve political and economic stability in the world.

The Kingdom is based on the important pillars with its strategic geographical location, which is considered the most significant gateway to the world and a centre linking three continents as well as surrounded by many important water crossings. 

Besides, the Kingdom has huge investment capabilities as well as the Arab and Islamic depth that allows it the opportunity to build and establish relations of friendship and cooperation in various fields with the rest of countries and regions thanks to its faith in the short and long-term foreign policy in order to achieve peace globally through the development of relations and strengthening and diversifying forms of relations with all peace-loving nations in the world.  

So as to achieve mutual benefits between the Kingdom and other countries as well as gain more friends and also to ensure stability in the world, the Kingdom always seeks to contribute to and participate with friendly countries to touch on and explore fields that can strengthen relations among them especially on an economic level.

An image of Riyadh, the capital and the current largest city of Saudi Arabia.—Photo courtesy of the Embassy of Saudi Arabia

The relations between Vietnam and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is considered relatively recent, but it’s in accelerated growth and the Kingdom always desires to deepen and diversify these relations in all fields because of the fact that Vietnam enjoys stability and security across different aspects, and achieves similarly flourishing growth rates and economic progress in various fields.

This could be seen clearly in Vietnam’s economic vision 2020 announced recently, which is very similar to Saudi Arabia’s economic vision 2030 announced at the same time, in terms of ambition, prospects and aspirations to enhance opportunities in order to move to the future in the cooperation that brings prosperity and new breakthroughs, strengthening relations and achieving mutual benefit between the two countries.