The Inspection Commission of the Communist Party of Việt Nam Central Committee (CPVCC) yesterday announced the outcomes of its 30th session held in Hà Nội on October 17-19, giving conclusions on wrongdoings at several Party organisations.


A meeting of the Inspection Commission of the Communist Party of Việt Nam Central Committee. 

The Inspection Commission said the Party Committee of the Ministry of Public Security’s General Department of Police and its Standing Board seriously violated working rules and the principles of centralised democracy, slackened leadership and direction and neglected supervision, with some leaders and officials of the General Department and the Department of High-Tech Crime Prevention (C50) abetting and covering up online gambling for a long time, causing serious consequences.

They also committed many violations in personnel work, investigation and handling of some cases, and implementation of some projects on investment and equipment procurement, it said.

The commission concluded that various officials must bear responsibility for the violations and mistakes of their agencies as leaders and individual responsibility in realising their tasks.

The violations and wrongdoings affected the prestige of the Party organisation and the police sector, causing indignation in society, the commission said, calling for disciplinary measures in accordance with Party regulations. 

Five senior oficials were determined to have committed serious offences and would receive due punishments, while disciplinary measures are being considered for two other. 

The Inspection Commission also announced that Chu Hảo, Director and Editor-in-chief of the Trí Thức (Knowledge) Publishing House, must bear main responsibility for the house’s publication of several books with contents contrary to the Party and State’s viewpoints, policies and guidelines and violating the Publication Law.

Hảo, former Deputy Minister of Science and Technology, was deemed to have infringed regulations on what a Party member is not allowed to do and published articles and made statements running counter to the Party’s Political Platform, Statutes, resolutions, directions and regulations. He showed degradations in political thought, morality and lifestyle, “self-evolution” and “self-transformation”.

His violations and wrongdoings were “very serious,” undermining the prestige of the Party organisation, causing negative influences on the society, the commission said as they called for disciplinary measures against him.

The Inspection Commission also decided to reprimand Major General Phan Tấn Tài, who signed a contract to transfer two defence land areas to enterprises without following legal regulations as member of the Standing Board of the Party Committee and Deputy Commander of the Military Region 7. — VNS