VietNamNet Bridge – General schools have complained that their students freely have caressing manners right in the classrooms. Meanwhile, Vietnamese students nowadays believe that this is the right way of showing feelings in the modern times.

The way to express one’s feelings?

Ngoc Huyen, a student of the Hoang Van Thu High School in Quang Ninh province, said she usually plays in the school yard on break time or goes to the canteen. Some other students stay in the classroom, not to review the lessons, but just to cuddle or fondle each other.

“A and T regularly kiss each other in the classroom, in front of friends,” Huyen said. “The monitor once told them that they should not conduct such behavior in public places. However, they ignore our advices.”

Especially, students nowadays dare to kiss each other during the lesson hours, when teachers are busy writing down something on the blackboard.

“This is really an eyesore. This bothers us, because we cannot concentrate on the lessons,” Quoc Truong, a student complained.

In January 2012, a video clip was posted on Internet, showing what the students of a school in the central region did in the break time. While boys and girls were playing in groups, a couple of students fondled each other with no care about the people around them.

Teachers say this is not Vietnamese lifestyle

Pham Hanh, a teacher of the Hoang Van Thu High School in Quang Ninh province, said that he strongly protests the behaviors if they are conducted in public places, especially in the pedagogical environment.

“I once had to separate a couple of students and remove one of them to another seat. After that, I discussed about their children’s behaviors with the parents,” Hanh said.

He stressed that the behaviors must not be accepted at school. “We cannot control the students at non-school hours. However, we have the right to prohibit them to conduct unsuitable behaviors in class,” he said.

Parents get startled

Most parents say they do not want to see their children to fall in love at the school age. The students at the age need to focus on their studies, striving to pass the university entrance exams instead of spending time on dating.

Meanwhile, other parents said they do not think that they should prohibit children to fall in love when they go to high school. However, they ask the children to have suitable conducts in reasonable places.

Thu Huong, whose son is studying at the Hoang Van Thu High School in Quang Ninh province, said his son has a girlfriend, a classmate. However, Huong feels secure about the son, because she did not see any unreasonable behaviors of the couple.

Thuy Ly, a parent in Quang Ninh province, also said she has got puzzled with the children and do not know how to do with them. She said that she needs to be very cautious with their behaviors, because they fear they would hurt the children.

“I read books everyday to have necessary knowledge to give advices to the children on what they should do at their current ages,” she said.

Meanwhile, Huong said she spends times talking with the children every day to understand what her children think and what they strive to.

“Only when you understand them, will you be able to give reasonable advices, and your consultancy would be respected,” she said.