The Republic of Singapore Navy's (RSN) Endurance-class Landing Ship Tank (LST), RSS Endurance, led by Lieutenant Colonel Noel Chen Xin Yi, arrived at Cam Ranh Bay on March 17 to start a five-day port call.


The port call marks the first receipt of a foreign warship at the Cam Ranh International Port, located in Cam Ranh Bay, since its opening last week in a ceremony attended by Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang.

During their stay there will be a ship visit hosted for the 81 members of the crew from the Vietnam People's Navy and Vietnamese officials. Both navies will also conduct a passage exercise comprising communication drills.

In addition, the midshipmen and RSN’s officer cadets, will undergo training modules in watch-keeping, gunnery, seamanship, communications, medical, engineering as well as leadership activities to sharpen their competency and leadership skills.

The port calls, conducted as part of training, allow the midshipmen to interact with personnel of other navies and aid in enhancing mutual understanding and friendship between the RSN and its foreign counterparts.