Six cows are killed in a lightning strike during heavy rain in the northern province of Son La on May 26.

Song A Khu in Lung Khoai Village, Phu Yen District said that his six cows were grazing on a hill in the village when the thunderstorm suddenly arrived at around 2 pm.

"After the rain stopped, I came to find all of them dead already with signs of having been hit by lightning, " he said. I've informed local authorities about the incident and investigations showed that they were killed by a lightning strike."

According to head of Phu Yen District Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Bac Cam Thi Xieng, the thunderstorm which lasted for over an hour on Friday afternoon in the area had also damaged a suspension bridge and many roads in Dem Thuong Village. Many trees were uprooted and a large area of vegetable crops were also damaged. Electricity wires and communications cables were also broken in some areas.

A suspension bridge and many roads in Dem Thuong Village are damaged.

"It's forecasted that thunderstorms and heavy rains will occur in the afternoons in some days to come," the official said. "We've asked concerned departments, agencies and local people to carefully check and reinforce dykes and other infrastructure works to prevent flash floods and ensure safety for local people."

Source: Dtinews