At least six earthquakes have rocked districts in the central province of Thua Thien Hue this month causing panic, a report from the Earthquake Information and Tsunami Warning Centre said this week.


The mountain district of A Luoi in the central Thua Hien Hue Province has suffered a series of minor earthquakes this month. — Photo



The earthquakes, mostly measuring around three degrees on the Richter scale, did not cause any loss to life, but there was minor damage to numerous houses, local residents complained.

The most recent quake occurred at midnight on December 25 in A Luoi mountainous District and measured 3.2 on the Richter scale. It affected areas around 11km from its epicentre.

Lê Văn Thiếu, a resident of Hong Thuong Commune, A Luoi District said the quakes caused cracks in his house and in those of many of his neighbours.

Thiếu said he found a two-metre long crack on his wall and was scared at what could happen if there was another quake.

Another resident, A Moong Tỵ in Hong Ha Commune, said his house also suffered similar damage, and he was looking for answers from scientists for the reasons as well support from the local and authorities in dealing with the damage in case of another quake.

In response to requests from locals, Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai has urged the Ministry of Science and Technology to undertake urgent measures arising out of the situation and reply soon to the residents.

The province's People Committee has also authorised all hydro-electricity plants in the affected areas to take urgent action if the quakes have caused any damage.


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