Palm Heights – Palm City apartment complex in Thủ Đức City, where the girl lived. — Photo

The girl was said to have consumed the mooncake at the event organised by the Palm Heights – Palm City apartment complex in Thủ Đức City last Friday.

A day later, she vomited and was rushed to Lê Văn Thịnh Hospital.

On Saturday afternoon, she was diagnosed with an intestinal infection. The doctor prescribed antibiotics, pain relievers, and digestive enzymes and sent her home.

At 2pm the same day, she did not feel well, with her lips turning purple and was taken back to the hospital for emergency treatment.

The girl fell into a coma and stopped breathing. Doctors tried to provide emergency treatment but were unsuccessful.

On Saturday, five other children who ate cakes from the Mid-Autumn Festival also had symptoms of diarrhoea, vomiting and fever.

More residents reported children with the same symptoms on Sunday morning.

Phạm Khánh Phong Lan, head of the HCM City Food Safety Management Board, said Thủ Đức City police are investigating the cause of the child's death. The Food Safety Management Board has sent an official dispatch to the city’s Health Department for clarification. — VNS