The document says VDCA has received a document from the Digital Content Creation Alliance (DCCA) that complained that a website operating as a social network at allowed users to share untrue information offending the reputation, honor and dignity of many businesses and their leaders.

After assessment, VDCA found that the DCCA complaint was reasonable. The website mentioned by DCCA and other websites with similar activities, including and, have signs of violating laws on managing, providing and using internet service and information on the internet, stipulated in Decree 72/2013.

VDCA also found on Facebook many groups and fanpages with thousands of members that allow members to remain anonymous and post negative content that insults individuals and businesses, affecting the reputation of companies.

As they are anonymous, they can post false information, smear, slander or insult individuals and businesses, thus leading to conflicts among company staff and affecting their operations. The information is unverified, with no quotes.

Some VDCA member companies report that administrators of some fanpages and groups ask businesses to pay money if they want to remove the negative information published on the fanpages.

VDCA has asked ABEI to examine and stop the owners of websites which operate like social networks from breaking the law, and take necessary action to block the operation of these type of fanpages and Facebook groups.

On June 14, 2023, DCCA sent a dispatch to VDCA, reporting a similar problem. Some member companies and partners of DCCA discovered that allowed users to share false information which affected the prestige and dignity of businesses and businesses’ managers.

The website was operating like a social network. It registered a domain name and server via a foreign registrar, but targeted Vietnamese users and used Vietnamese as the main language.

Van Anh