Socio-economic issues are high on the agenda of the National Assembly (NA) on May 25 and 26, which are important discussions part of the ongoing fifth session of the 14th-tenure parliament.


Lawmakers are looking into the implementation of the socio-economic development and state budget plans for 2017 and the plans for 2018 in the first months of the year, the outcomes of thrift practice and wastefulness prevention in 2017, and the final accounts of the State budget balance in 2016.

The discussions are broadcast live on television and radio.

At the session’s opening meeting on May 21, Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh, on behalf of the Government, delivered a report giving additional assessment of the socio-economic development in 2017 and the first months of 2018, along with key tasks and solutions in the time ahead.

The report noted that thanks to efforts by the whole political system, business community and people nationwide, the socio-economic situation last year and in the beginning of 2018 recorded important and comprehensive improvements.

While the macro-economy remained stable, most sectors posted higher growth rate year on year, and people’s living standards improved. Positive outcomes were seen in the fields of culture, society, environment, administrative reform, corruption and wastefulness prevention and control, defence, security, and external relations, thus helping to consolidate people, businesses and domestic and foreign investors’ trust.

However, the report also admitted shortcomings in Vietnam’s economy. Although efforts have been made to solve problems, there remain many issues that require stronger efforts to be addressed.

It stressed the need not to be subjective but actively keep a close watch on the domestic and international situation to make appropriate and timely response. 

Meanwhile, it is necessary to pay attention to solving existing problems or those that have just emerged, actively devise solutions to promote potential areas, improve the business climate and competitiveness, and strive to successfully realise the targets and tasks for 2018 to create momentum for sustainable development in the following years, according to the report.

Amendments of denunciation, competition law discussed

The 14th National Assembly (NA) convened its plenary session on May 24, with debates focusing on amendments of the Law on Denunciations and Competition Law.

Most of the deputies agreed on the amendments of the Law on Denunciations which was earlier presented by Chairman of the National Assembly’s Law Committee Nguyen Khac Dinh.

They also shared their views on the forms of denunciations; rights and responsibilities of the denunciators, accused people and denouncers; protection of denunciators and other related issues.

In the afternoon session, the NA members discussed the amendments of the Competition Law. 

They made recommendations on the issues of application of legal regulations on litigation, identification of the rights and responsibilities of the National Competition Committee and inspection agencies, among others.

Minister of Industry and Trade Tran Tuan Anh took the floor to clarify issues raised by the deputies.

On May 25, the deputies will discuss the evaluation of the implementation of the socio-economic development and state budget plan in 2017, the execution of the socio-economic development and state budget plan in the first months of 2018, and the 2016 state budget balance sheet.