Deputy Minister of Justice Phan Chi Hieu shared that his ministry has already launched the software to register the civil status in 28 provinces and cities nationwide. This software has helped to record births for over 1 million newborn babies and process nearly 2,500 citizenship files.


Deputy Minister of Justice Phan Chi Hieu is presenting his report in the meeting

In the preliminary summary of the justice tasks for first six months of 2018 yesterday, Deputy Minister of Justice Phan Chi Hieu reported that his ministry finished 116 / 161 missions sent by the government and the Prime Minister. No task exceeds the given deadline.

The Ministry of Justice has erased 49 out of 94 business conditions and improved the rate of administration renovation by 2 levels. It now stands at the fourth position among 19 ministries regarding information technology implementation and the third position as to e-government development.

Noticeably, the task of executing civil court and administrative court cases has achieved remarkable results. In the first 8 months of 2018 (including the last 2 months of 2017), 389,000 civil court cases have been solved, collecting more than VND19,000 billion (approx. $824.3 million). The number of solved administrative court cases is 145 while 102 ones are being processed.

The tasks of carrying out judicial administration, judicial consultation, judicial aid to businesses; observing international laws and cooperating with other countries as to law; inspecting suspicions and answering complaints from citizens have all been focused.

The Ministry of Justice has launched the software to register the civil status in 28 provinces and cities in the country to record births for more than 1 million babies and process nearly 2,500 citizenship files; local Departments of Justice have worked on over 1,300 cases and 220 cases of child adoption of local and foreign people respectively. These departments have also issued over 263,000 criminal records while the National Center for Criminal Record has issued more than 1,600 records. The National Registration Agency for Secured Transactions has also solved nearly 445,000 cases of information requests.

In the first 6 months of the year, lawyers have taken part in around 110,000 cases and paid VND118 billion ($5.1 million) tax. Auction centers in the nation have successfully organized 12,000 auctions and submitted over VND446 billion ($19.3 million).

The Ministry of Justice has processed more than 2,200 requests of judicial entrustment; negotiated and provided suggestions for 8 international loan agreements; prepared, negotiated, and signed 13 collaboration agreements while carrying out content of 20 other signed agreements. The leaders of the ministries have met 144 citizens and solved 275 complaints as well as 29 accusations within their power.

Deputy Minister of Justice Phan Chi Hieu presented 7 groups of major tasks and 5 groups of primary solutions that his ministry will do in the last 6 months, consisting of continuously aiding the government in successfully building the law, introducing newly issued laws and policies of the National Assembly to citizens; expanding the implementation of the software to register and manage civil status.