Nine sets of remains of soldiers who died in the American War have been found in a durian garden in Dong Nai Province.



Nine sets of remains of soldiers who died in the American War were found in a garden in Dong Nai Province

Vu Quoc Tu in Hamlet 2, Tan Phu District, was digging the ground in preparation for his durian garden when he discovered a grave. 

Tu immediately contacted authorities when realising it could be a war grave.

On June 30, the authorities in Tan Phu and the Steering Board for the Search and Collection War Dead in Dong Nai Province collaborated to find the remains of the soldiers. 

According to the veterans, this area used to be a graveyard for a field hospital of Division 600 during the American War.

On July 3, Tan Phu People's Committee announced that they had found and recovered nine sets of remains. 

Incense was lit before the authorities started recovering the bodies and expanded the search for more remains.

Dong Nai authorities will work with the National Steering Committee for the Search and Collection of War Dead to identify the soldiers and contact their families.
