About 900 workers at Vina Kangaroo Garment Company in Thai Binh Province haven't received their wages or had insurance paid worth over VND15bn (USD661,000) as a South Korean investor has disappeared.


Workers gather outside of the company

On May 24, hundreds of workers gathered outside the company's gate to find out what was going on. Nguyen Thi Thoan, a member of the company's trade union, said the company opened in 2008 but business had slowed in 2015. The workers haven't been paid for February, March and April.


"Everyone was off for the holiday on the Reunification Day on April 30. However, when everyone was relaxing at home, someone called and said the company had shut down and the premises had been sealed. When we returned to work on May 5, the gate was closed," Thoan said.

According to a notice from the Human Resources Department, the company couldn’t provide jobs to workers as the materials haven't arrived. 

The directors were said to have needed to return to South Korea to deal with financial problems so all operations would halt from May 8.

It is said that the company owed nearly VND30bn (USD1.3m) in debts.

Left in the lurch, many workers have been left in financial difficulty and as of yet, there is little sign of a solution to the issue.
