All Asian architectural students and architects aged under 40 have been invited to join the Spec Go Green International Awards 2017, which aims to honour environmentally friendly architecture.


Bình House – a building designed by international award-winning architect Vo Trong Nghia – won the first prize of the Spec Go Green Awards 2016.

Contestants can enter in two categories – green buildings and buildings that benefit society. Entries will be received from November 11 to November 30.

Tthe Spec Go Green Awards were established in 2014, with this the first year non-Vietnamese architects are eligible.

Chairman of the Việt Nam Association of Architects Nguyễn Tấn Vạn explained why this year’s contest is open to foreign contestants: “This year, Việt Nam is the Chairman of the ASEAN Architect Council, which is an opportunity for Việt Nam to affirm its role in the region. In addition, the chairman role will help to promote the awards on an international scale.”

The twenty best works, including 10 created by students and 10 by young architects, will be awarded. The first prizes for students and architects will be $4,000 and $10,000, respectively.

The organiser said that the total value of all the prizes is VNĐ1 billion (more than $43,000), sponsored by Spec of the 4-Oranges Co Ltd. An award ceremony will be held on December 15, followed by an exhibition showcasing all award-winning works.

For further information about the awards, please visit or email to