HCM City police have arrested a man who stabbed 10 local people with sharp objects, causing them to have to take HIV exposure treatment.

Chau Kieu Binh Huy, 30, in District 6 carried out the crimes from late March to early April. He admitted using sharp objects to injure by-passers who were taken to HCM City Hospital for Tropical Diseases.

Dr. Le Manh Hung, deputy director of the hospital, said from March 23 to April 3, the hospital received and provided the HIV exposure treatment for 10 people who were attacked by sharp objects by a stranger who was identified as Huy.

The patients have given the medicine and been asked for re-examination.

Huy ever had previous convictions for theft and drug use. At the place where Huy lived, the police confiscated many sharp objects.

The police and doctors will co-operate to conduct mental checks for Huy.

The case is still under investigation.
