A storm moved through the Hanoi metro area Friday morning, bringing much needed rain to the region, that also uprooted trees, caused power outages and traffic accidents.

Uprooted tree falls on car during Hanoi storm

in photos: storm rolls through hanoi, causes accidents hinh 1

At 8:00 am this morning, a tree falls onto a car on Phan Huy Chu Street.

in photos: storm rolls through hanoi, causes accidents hinh 2

The tree is uprooted by the storm.

in photos: storm rolls through hanoi, causes accidents hinh 3

The car is completely destroyed.

in photos: storm rolls through hanoi, causes accidents hinh 4

Police and traffic forces separate lanes and instruct people to be cautious.

in photos: storm rolls through hanoi, causes accidents hinh 5
Forces urgently clear fallen tree.

in photos: storm rolls through hanoi, causes accidents hinh 6
In another case, four students are injured after an old tree planted in the schoolyard of Chu Van An High School is uprooted by strong winds.

in photos: storm rolls through hanoi, causes accidents hinh 7

At 10:00am, an electric transformer located on Hoang Hoa Tham Street suddenly explodes.

in photos: storm rolls through hanoi, causes accidents hinh 8
A rescue team is immediately mobilized to the scene.

in photos: storm rolls through hanoi, causes accidents hinh 9

Internet connection is lost by the explosion.

in photos: storm rolls through hanoi, causes accidents hinh 10

No casualties are reported.