Vietnam and Estonia have seen bilateral cooperation growing in recent years, as evidenced by close coordination and mutual support at international organisations such as the UN, UNESCO, the UN Human Rights Council, and the Asia-Europe Meeting.


Deputy Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son

The assessment was made by Deputy Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son and Vaino Reinart, Undersecretary for Economic and Development Affairs at Estonia’s Foreign Ministry, during a political consultation in Hanoi on December 5.

They lauded efforts by the countries’ ministries and sectors to perfect legal foundation through signing agreements on investment encouragement and protection, double-taxation avoidance, and tax evasion prevention. 

That has created prerequisites for closer cooperation in economics, trade, investment, culture, education, tourism, and agriculture, which both sides are strong at and have demand in.

Vaino Reinart said the Estonian Government advocates Vietnam’s stronger relations with the European Union (EU). It will accelerate the signing of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement and believes that once being implemented, the deal will help bolster multifaceted cooperation between the two countries.

The Vietnamese and Estonian officials agreed to increase delegation exchanges at all levels while maintaining and promoting the effectiveness of consultation mechanisms between their foreign ministries to exchange information in timely fashion, enhance mutual understanding and trust, and coordinate in issues of common interest.

At the event, they also shared viewpoints on some international and regional affairs, including the countries’ stance on the settlement of hot spots in the world.

Reinart voiced support for Vietnam’s viewpoint on resolving disputes, including those in the East Sea, by peaceful means and on the basis of international law, including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. He also agreed on the need for security, safety and freedom of navigation and overflight in the East Sea to be ensured.

During their stay in Hanoi, the Estonian delegation also visited some local businesses.