Vo Tuong An, who won scholarships from more than 10 prestigious international universities and is co-founder of International Catalysts Empowerment organisation, has implemented a new education project to help pupils on Ly Son Island.


Vo Tuong An (third from the right)

Vo Tuong An was born in Quang Ngai Province. She qualified for scholarships from Harvard, Yale and Stanford. 

An chose Stanford University but decided to take two gap years to further develop her social projects.   

The idea to found the International Catalysts Empowerment was formed during the Yale Young Global Scholars by An and five friends from India, South Korea and the US. 

The organisation aims to improve school conditions in developing countries and provide students with education and life skills that will help them excel in their future. 

Funds will be raised to purchase school supplies and discussions on global issues will be held at these schools. 

Several educational projects have been successfully implemented in India and the US. This year, An and 30 volunteers will bring the 60 Days Project to Ly Son Island.

"I don't think the project will completely change the life of the pupils in Ly Son but I hope that it'll be a positive step to help them find their own ways and the world they want to build together," An said. 

An said there is obviously a huge difference between Quang Ngai Province and the US. 

She thinks that everyone will have to compete with others on the path that they chose eventually and she hopes to shorten the gap for students with disadvantaged backgrounds.

At the exchange about volunteer works held in HCM City on April 23, An introduced the 60 Days Projects to over 500 students with three guests including singer Ha Anh Tuan, founder of Breakthrough Power Nguyen Huu Tri and the founder of The Yen Concept, Helly Tong Khanh Linh.

Ha Anh Tuan talked about the responsibility of young people and linked it with his work. A true artist will respect copyright laws and produce works of value, he said.

"No matter where you are in the society now, if you know how to package your advantages in a clever ways, you can achieve your goals," Nguyen Huu Tri said.

Meanwhile, Tong Khanh Linh guided the young people to look into themselves and to the community. 

"Don't live too hasty and be engulfed into the fast pace of modern society. Spend more time to think about yourself and observe your surroundings. Besides, you have to have goals and visions to realise them then try to achieve them," she said.
