Nguyen Thu Quynh, a fourth-year student in the graphic design department of Hanoi-based University of Industrial Fine Arts, has won the design contest for a logo to celebrate 45 years of diplomatic relations.


The winning logo for the celebration of 45 years of diplomatic relations. — Photo courtesy of the Belgium Embassy

The design represents the typical Vietnamese conical hat in the three colours of the Belgian flag, while the eyes represent the two peoples of the countries and the two silk ribbons inspire freedom, peace, inspiration and luck.

The left cord signifies Belgium and the right cord Việt Nam.

The ribbons are twisted to form the number 45, showing the close bond between the two countries, and durable diplomacy and steadiness.

The contest was organised within the framework of cooperation between the Beglian Embassy and the University of Industrial Fine Arts.

The winner was selected through a public vote on Facebook and by a jury composed of the Belgian Ambassador, representatives of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and professionals.  

The winning design will serve as the official logotype for all celebrations linked to the anniversary in 2018.

The winner will be offered a two-week internship at the Belgian-founded creative PR agency, Happiness Saigon, in HCM City.

Friendship and cooperation between Belgium and Việt Nam have developed over the last 44 years since the two countries established diplomatic relations in 1973. — VNS