VietNamNet Bridge - Phan Boi Tran, Yet Kieu submarine inventor, estimates that it will take VND2 billion, or $100,000, to create equipment powerful enough to sink a destroyer worth hundreds of millions of dollars.


Yet Kieu sub invented by Phan Boi Tran

Phan Boi Tran is a composite material expert who has become famous in Vietnam and Asia after creating the Yet Kieu submarine, which has been put into commercial development with tens of products exported to Malaysia. In the latest news, Tran is going to leave for Thailand where he will make 300 subs to fulfill an order placed by a Thai partner.

Tran, the man who dreams of turning “mini toys” into combatant submarine, has said he will use the money he is going to get through inheritance to create an ammunition complex.

The complex, estimated to cost VND2 billion, would comprise one submarine,  two torpedoes and the third modular system.

“The 6-meter submarine and the two torpedoes will serve as an offensive weapon, while module No 3 will give logistics support,” he said.

Elaborating on the role of the modular system, Tran said the system allows the submarine to fight within a distance of 1,000 kilometers far from the base.

“The 6 meter sub can run 30-40 kilometers far away. This is beyond the capacity of a 6 meter sub to protect territorial waters. Therefore, the modular system plays a very important role in the complex. It is just like a submarine,” Tran explained.

Tran said his biggest problem lies in the low production cost. “It is too cheap. In people’s minds, low-cost means low-quality,” he said.

“However, my submarine will be both strong and cheap,” he said.

The scientist believes that he will be able to turn his idea into reality. “My sub fleet will keep pace with the Seventh Fleet. This will be great, but this will also be an obstacle, because no one believes me, except Fleet Admiral Le Ke Lam,” he said.

He also worries about if the state allows a trial fire, the firing subject needed will not be a transport ship or an old vessel, but a Gepard.

Sailors may hesitate to board the submarine. However, he has a technical solution that will help sailors escape in case of emergency.

“With my equipment complex, if we can destroy a warship within three minutes in a test, we will win all naval battles,” Tran said.

“The targets must disappear from the radar screen within 180 seconds after detection,” he said.
