A man committed suicide by exploding a homemade bomb while in a taxi, killing himself and the driver, announced Quang Ninh Province authorities today evening.


Cam Pha City People’s Committee Vice Chairman Pham Van Kinh told press that police found the Le Thanh’s suicide note, one of the victims of the explosion, at his house, along with bomb making materials.

The 50-year-old wrote in his note that he was hopeless about his health and decided to kill himself.

The taxi driver was identified as Dang Van Trung, 29. The Hoang Minh taxi reportedly exploded about eight minutes after Trung picked up Thanh following a customer call at about 12.20 noon to Le Thanh Nghi Street in Cam Thach Ward.

Another car nearby also caught fire after the blast. The driver Nguyen Huu Phuc opened the door in time to escape from the flames.

Some glass doors of surrounding residents’ houses were broken due to the blast.