The Ministry of Industry and Trade has drafted a Government decree that encourages supermarkets to stay open for up to 22 hours a day, Thanh Nien newspaper reports.


The Ministry of Industry and Trade has drafted a Government decree that encourages supermarkets to stay open for up to 22 hours a day 

The ministry is consulting relevant ministries and agencies over the draft decree on the development and management of the distribution sector. The draft restricts the number of sales programs at supermarkets at three a year and each program could last 30 days.

According to the Association of Vietnam Retailers (AVR), the regulations demonstrate the ministry’s deep intervention in retailers’ business and run counter to international practices. AVR proposed allowing enterprises to decide on promotion programs on their own.

Some other regulations in the draft decree are also unreasonable such as those asking supermarkets to provide delivery and online shopping services.

The Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) shared the same view with AVR, saying that the regulation on sales programs is contrary to general promotion regulations.

A retail expert commented that such regulations are unnecessary, especially at a time when the Government is seeking to simplify administrative procedures for enterprises.