Viet Duc Hospital held a press conference to inform that the hospital's doctors had taken tissues and organs from 2 brain-dead donors, and at the same time performed 8 organ transplants within just 24 hours.
According to Associate Professor Nguyen Quang Nghia, in the last days of 2023, the Organ Transplant Consulting and Coordination Unit of the Organ Transplant Center received information from the emergency room about two patients in the northern provinces of Thai Nguyen and Phu Tho suffering from severe traumatic brain injury and deep coma due to traffic accidents.
Immediately afterward, the unit's medical staff quickly met and advised the two patients’ families and relatives to donate their organs to save others. After listening to doctors’ explanations about organ tissue donation after brain death, the two patients' families agreed to donate tissues and organs.
Organs and tissues donated by the two patients include two hearts, two livers, four kidneys, two iliac vena cava, two tracheas, four corneas, and 11 tendon segments. Immediately after that, doctors performed organ transplants including two heart transplants, two liver transplant patients and 4 kidney transplant patients.
Along with that, with the amount of organ tissue donated by the 2 brain-dead patients above, the National Coordinating Center for Human Organ Transplantation also coordinated 2 corneas and 1 liver to the 108th Central Military Hospital while two corneas were transported to the Central Eye Hospital for timely transplants.
Source: SGGP