A suspect has been arrested in connection with the massacre of four family members in northern mountainous Lao Cai Province during a robbery early last month, the local authority said.

The scene of the massacre of four members of a family in northern mountainous Lao Cai Province. 

Tan Lao Lo, 24, from Bat Xat District’s Trinh Tuong Commune, is now in police custody.

Hoang Dang Khoa, chairman of Bat Xat District’s People’s Committee, said the suspect was arrested at 8pm on Sunday after being on the run for nearly a month.

On August 9, the thief killed the four family members, ransacked the house and stole more than VNĐ10 million (US$434). 

When Tan Ong Nai, 22, and his parents returned home the same day from the rice field, they found that Nải’s wife, two daughters and niece had been murdered.

Tan Mai Phuong, Nai’s 16-year-old niece, was found dead in a nearby stream with rocks piled over her body. 

His wife, Tan Ta May, 22, had been drowned in a pond some 100m from the house, while his two daughters, a 12-year-old and a 20-day-old infant, were found dead in a canal nearby.