Hundreds of people in Hanoi often a swim in the West Lake with their children and pets despite the recent mass deaths.



Swimming in the West Lake

Despite signs banning fishing and swimming, people still swim at Trich Sai, Nguyen Dinh Thi and Nhat Chieu streets from 5 to 7 pm during the summer. According to the locals, West Lake is large, cool and free.

Nearby are the still a big amount of rubbish and dead fish, releasing a foul smell. 

On September 13, four sanitary workers collected tonnes of dead fish from the West Lake. From July 7 to 9, a large number of dead fish were seen along Lac Long Quan Street and around 25 tonnes of dead fish were collected.

In 2016, about 200 tonnes of dead fish were collected. Hanoi People's Committee announced that the fish died from wastewater and weather changes.

Some photos of the lake:



Preparing a life jacket for the children

The young, elderly, children and pets swim in the lake

Dead fish nearby

tienphong, dtinews