VietNamNet Bridge - In theeyes of leading Swiss financial expert Christian A. Larpin, the opportunity toinvest in Bai Kem or Kem Beach on Vietnam’s largest island of Phu Quoc isattractive as it promises to become a high-end tourist destination in the nearfuture.

Larpin – the owner of the Hong Kong-based Asia Investment Fund -recently selected Phu Quoc’s Kem Beach as a new investment destination. He isalso the owner of high-end jewelry and olive oil processing firms and a luxurycruise ship service named Michelangelo Cruises. Larpin explained why he decidedto invest in the Kem Beach.


Billionaire Christian A. Larpin

Bai Kem made me think that Ibelonged to this place

Q: What urged you to come to the Kem Beach four times within a shortperiod of time?

A: Of course, I combined both finding business opportunities andrelaxation in Phu Quoc. But in my first visit to the Kem Beach in January thisyear, I was really surprised by the beauty of this pristine beach.

The stretching white sand bank, the natural forest, the warm and bluesea, the charming hills, and the sun all year round - Kem Beach reminds me ofthe South of France 60 years ago, and I immediately thought that I belonged tothis place.

The wildness of the nature, the warm and friendly islanders, and thegreat potential of development in the future have urged me to come back to theKem Beach to promote investment.

And the next time when I returned to Kem Beach I took my wife andchildren so the whole family could enjoy this paradise on earth together. 

Q: From the perspective of an experienced investor, how do you assessthe development of Kem Beach?


Christian A. Larpin with his wife and son

A: Kem Beach in particular and Phu Quoc in general, especially thesouthern part of the island, will surely become a world-class luxury traveldestination in the next 3-5 years.

The unique location, pristine and natural beauty, and pure Vietnameseculture ... are the root of this place’s attraction.

In addition, I see here unique and world-class projects that the SunGroup has invested in such as the JW Marriott Phu Quoc Emerald Bay, the PremierVillage Phu Quoc Resort, the Premier Residences Phu Quoc Emerald Bay ... andthe Kem Beach Resort and other luxury resorts in a very near future. 

Q: Why did you decide to invest in the Sun Group’s resort estateprojects?

A: First of all, every project of the Sun Group is unique, distinctiveand luxury right from its location. Da Nang, Phu Quoc ... are all potential placesfor luxury travel.

Secondly, each project is very beautiful, creative, luxurious andunique from the exterior architecture to the interior decoration. I have neverseen repetition in any work developed by the Sun Group.

In addition, I trust the great partners that the Sun Group hascooperated with to create their resort real estate projects. You build abeautiful villa, but if your customer service is not good, visitors will notcome back.

These are the reasons that I will together with the Sun Group createluxurious and unique tourism products for Phu Quoc in the future.


A villa of the Premier Village Phu Quoc Resort, developed by the Sun Group.


Q: Could you tell us about new products and services?

A: As I have said, the Khem Beach and Phu Quoc will become touristdestinations for high-class travelers who seek both short and long term staysif the infrastructure here is developed well. For example, if there are directflights from Hong Kong or Singapore to Phu Quoc and more luxury resorts like JWMarriott Phu Quoc Emerald Bay...

Along with these, there will be the need to experience luxury, newtravel services like cruises. We plan to combine with the Sun Group toimplement cruise and other luxury services on the island.

Our high-class customers from Hong Kong, Macau and Switzerland ...will certainly enjoy exploring the Kem Beach and the cruise services in thesebeautiful waters.

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