Vietnam News talks to Anne-Catherine Schaub-Jones about her experience of taking part in Ironman, the largest international multi-sport event in the country, recently held in Da Nang.


Anne-Catherine Schaub-Jones at the Ironman Finish. — Photo Schaub-Jones

It was an extraordinary experience! People from all over the world gathered in Da Nang to try their best from beginner triathlete to pro: 2km swim in a very choppy sea, 90km cycling and 21km running under the burning sun. Exciting atmosphere. Beautiful scenery. 

What do you think is the key to this challenge and how long did you train?

I trained for 6 months. My bigger challenge was to learn how to swim freestyle. Running with the pollution in Ha Noi and the humid climate was not always easy. 

I think the key is to be fit and even more important is the mental aspect. You need to be strong mentally, have strategies in place and also focus on nutrition and hydration. 

This is mostly a self-challenge goal, what do you think you have achieved after you made it? 

I am happy and surprised I could do it relatively easily. I feel great, surprisingly not sore. I learned a lot not only about technique, fitness but also about time management, deal with stressful situations, team spirit, organizing my goals in small chunks and being realistic. 


Setting a challenge and completing it with support from your family. — Photo courtesy of Schaub-Jones

Was your family supportive? What did they do/say to you before and after Ironman?

Yes they were quite supportive. First they thought I was a bit crazy... they supported during the event cheering me up and the kids even ran with me for a few metres. The children also did the ironkids (1km run) and loved it. 

How do you train every day? For how long? What does your doctor say? 

I did not always train every day. I think it’s important to listen to your body and not overdo it. I needed also to keep energy for my family and work. But time management and discipline are very important to be able to train long term and be consistent. 

I would usually train in the morning. 

I did not check with the doctor but I was always very conservative to avoid injuries and not overtrain. One rule I followed is "never do more than 10 per cent compared to the week before", you have to go progressively and if unsure follow a programme.

What’s your next challenge? 

Not sure yet! First to rest. Then perhaps Viet Nam Marathon in Sa Pa or Ha Long Bay Marathon.