A special task force has been set up to strengthen social order and security at transit points and in buses during peak hours in the capital city of Hanoi.


The number of pickpocketing cases in Hà Nội has decreased since the establishment of the special task force. 

The force is a collaboration of the inspection centre under Hà Nội Transportation Corporation (Transerco) and the Hà Nội criminal police division.

Pickpocketing has become an acute problem in the city in the past few years.

However, it is not easy to deal with this kind of crime as most of the criminals involved in bus robberies are drug-addicts, while some of them suffer from HIV, said a representative of Transerco, adding that the criminals fight back fiercely when being arrested and do not refrain from using tricks.

Since its establishment, the task force has conducted inspections and caught many thieves, most of whom have criminal records.

Phạm Mạnh Hùng, head of Transerco’s inspection centre, said pickpocketing cases are gradually decreasing, thanks to the efforts of the competent task force.

“Thieves usually target those passengers who are not careful with their valuables,” he was quoted by Giao Thông (Transport) newspaper.

The task force will focus on crime hot spots, including bus transit points, crowded bus stops and buses, Hùng said.

A hotline has also been set up in the company’s buses to help the competent agency get feedback on the quality of public service, he added. — VNS