An exhibition on Hue’s traditional cakes is taking place in the former imperial city of Hue to introduce the diversity of the locality’s cuisine, especially cakes.

On display are 30 different types of Hue’s traditional cakes, some are on verge of extinction.

Hue is famous for its cakes. They have been an integral part of Hue cuisine that attracts tourists whenever they set foot on the land of the ancient capital.

The way to make Hue cakes is fastidious, showing the dedication of Hue people in every dish. Each type of cake has its own receipe and ingridients, which are carefully selected and mixed together.

During the event, visitors also have a chance to talk to cake making artisans and experience how to make Hue cakes.

The event, taking place at the Hue culture museum, will run until August 22.-VNA