Casino operators must install surveillance cameras so that tax authorities can monitor their operations to facilitate tax collection, news website Dan Tri reports.

The Finance Ministry has recently issued a circular guiding the management and supervision of tax collection from casino business activities which is scheduled to come into force on February 12.

Casino operators are required to have a place inside their casinos with sufficient tools and equipment for the taxman to inspect their operations.

Surveillance cameras and other electronic devices must be installed at gambling areas so that tax authorities can get information.

If casino operators were granted business certificates before Decree 03/2017/ND-CP on casino business management came into force, they will have to set up such a place for the taxman in three months from the date of the circular going into force.

In case they have obtained such certificates but their facilities have not been put into service, or they were granted these documents after the date of Decree 03/2017 taking effect, they will have to finish setting up such a place by the time their casinos are operational.

The new circular also asks casino operators to file and pay taxes in line with the laws on tax administration, value-added tax, special consumption tax, and corporate income tax.