A temporary market has recently been set up on the railway in front of Bach Mai Hospital in Hanoi.

The market is operated from 7 am to 2 pm every day, and stretches along a 50-metre railway section with nearly tens of food and drink stalls. 


Sellers even put pots and coal cookers on the track, while customers sit there to enjoy the food in the middle of the tracks.



  Nguyen Viet Thang, a local resident, said that this temporary market mainly sells food to patients of Bach Mai Hospital and their relatives. It is especially crowded on Monday when more patients rush to the hospital for medical check-up, so, many customers have to queue for their turns. 


Local authorities have warned sellers of potential dangers for many times, but they still run their business there.



 Whenever trains come, customers and sellers carry chairs to avoid the track for some minutes, and then later, the market returns its normal operation.

 Boiling water besides the track 


Rubbish left on the track 



Bach Mai Hospital is always crowded due to the large number of patients every day. The operation of the temporary market adds to the congestion.

