The authorities have said that the explosion at a processing plant in Thai Binh Province which killed four people and injured 11 others was caused by an empty boiler.

The explosion occurred at a seafood plant processing fish powder owned by Ta Duy Anh at 10am, October 30. The 100-square-metre plant made from metal and tiled roof was ruined.

19 people were working at the plant including Anh's family. Only four people escaped. Two died immediately and 13 others were injured and transferred to Thai Binh Province General Hospital and Thai Thuy District General Hospital. At 3pm, two people died at hospital.

Nguyen Tien Quyen, vice chairman of Thai Thuy District, said initial investigation showed that the explosion might be caused by a steam boiler.

"Witnesses said the boiler ran out of water, the pump was unable to move water which led to increased pressure and an explosion," he said.

Nguyen Nhu Man, an employee at the plant also said that either the boiler or the pump was the cause.

"We had a power outage that day so we had to use the generator to run the boilers. I heard a loud noise then fainted. The next time I woke up, I was already in hospital. The boilers were usually fine. I think the explosion occurred because we forgot to add more water to the boiler or the water pump failed."

Nguyen Hong Dien, chairman of Thai Binh Province visited the injured people. The province also gave each family of the deceased VND10m (USD448) and VND3m to the injured people.


The scene of the accident


Eleven workers were injured in the accident.
