VietNamNet Bridge - Located on the northwest coast of the island of Ly Son in Quang Ngai province is a beautiful landscape, Dinh Liem Pagoda and Gieng Tien (Fairy Well) volcano.

Dinh Liem or Duc pagoda is a group of works built on Gieng Tien Mount, including a 27m statue of the Goddess of Mercy.

Visitors have to overcome more than 100 stairs to get to the pagoda.

Dinh Liem Pagoda is a shrine to Buddha and the Goddess of Mercy. 

From the shrine, the stairs go up to the mountain peak, where the most unexpected thing is waiting.

A ravishing spectacle appears when visitors set foot on the peak: a vast crater.

Standing on the crater you can also see the immense sea…

… and a beautiful corner of Ly Son’s garlic fields.

From the edge of the crater, you can walk down the gentle slopes to discover the pristine basin.

The high grasslands and dense bushes cover the entire hollow.

The panoramic view of Gieng Tien volcano from Be Island, 6km from Ly Son Island.

Photo: Kien thuc

Pha Le