Associate Professor Nguyen Viet Tien is Deputy Minister of Health and Director of the National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology. He is well-known for having performed many complicated obstetric surgeries, saving the lives of thousands of mothers and children.

Recently, at the National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology we had an opportunity to witness Associate Professor Nguyen Viet Tien performing the laparoscopic myomectomy on a pregnant woman while instructing a group of doctors from Indonesia, Malaysia and France on the surgical technique. It was a very complicated case but he remained calm and careful in the operation and was devoted to instructing the doctors.  

I was allowed to come into the operating room. Seeing with my own eyes his performance I could understand his heart and mind. All the foreign doctors were very pleased with the thorough instructions of the venerable Associate Professor.

The operation was successful beyond expectations. After this difficult surgery his coat was wet with sweat but his eyes were full of joy. Everybody highly appreciated the medical technology of Vietnam as well as the professional skills in the laparoscopic surgery of Associate Prof. Tien.

Every year, the National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology welcomes a large number of doctors from many Asian countries to study, expand their professional cooperation and learn about the achievements and advanced technology of Vietnamese medicine, especially in the fields of obstetrics, gynecology, birth and family planning.

No matter how busy he is, Associate Prof. Nguyen Viet Tien always spends his time welcoming the doctors and performing difficult surgeries to help his foreign colleagues learn and understand more about the obstetric surgical techniques of Vietnamese medicine.

Doctor Tien graduated from the School of Medicine at the age of 27. Since then, he has successfully performed thousands of complicated obstetric surgeries. Now, he is a leading expert in laparoscopic surgery in Vietnam. He has examined and treated thousands of patients.

He works unceasingly at the National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, managing the work of the hospital, examining and treating patients and performing difficult operations.

He also spends time doing scientific research. In particular, he is devoted to training younger doctors with the desire for Vietnam to have excellent obstetric doctors on a par with other countries around the world. His colleagues and friends admire and praise his working ability and selfless devotion.

At present the National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology has a staff of 815 people including 11 professors and PhDs, and 142 doctors. This is a leading hospital in gynecologic laparoscopic surgical techniques and in-vitro fertilization in Vietnam.

It is the highest-level hospital specializing in maternity and newborn babies. These achievements are attributed to the heart and talent of Associate Prof. Nguyen Viet Tien.

Associate Prof. Tien confided: “The medical profession is very strict and requires doctors to have not only good health, intelligence, skills and spirit but also a mind that always wants to learn. From the time I was a student I chose to be an assistant surgeon in most of the cases for practical purposes. For me, performing surgery is not only my job but also my joy and a career that I have attached my life to.”

That may be the reason why in his dozens of years of devotion to the obstetrics sector, he has performed many difficult operations and cured many patients, saving their lives and bringing a future to many mothers and children.

Although Associate Prof. Tien has achieved much success in science and is very busy with his role of management he still continues learning. In 1999 while he was holding an important position at the National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology he was told about a training course on in-vitro fertilization in the United States.

He registered and tried to arrange his time to attend the course with the aim of improving his professional skills and exploring a new scientific area to apply to his hospital. In 2000, he successfully tested several cases of in-vitro fertilization in Vietnam and then transferred this technology to other units, including large medical organizations, such as the Military Medical Institute and the Schools of Medicine in Vietnam.

From this success he has established the Centre for Reproductive Assistance in the National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology. This is a breakthrough in the obstetric sector in Vietnam. At this centre, he has cured many infertility cases which were unsuccessfully treated abroad, bringing happiness to many couples.

Associate Prof. Tien is simple in life, devoted to the care and treatment of patients and equitable in management. People affectionately call him “the man who welcomes the future”. With his great contributions to medicine he has been awarded the noble title “Hero of Labour” by the Party and State.



  Doctor Nguyen Viet Tien at the National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology.






Associate Professor Nguyen Viet Tien and a French doctor exchange experiences on laparoscopic surgery.






Associate Professor Nguyen Viet Tien chairs a seminar on “Gynecology Laparoscopic Surgery”.





Medical instruments imported from Germany are used  for laparoscopic surgery at the National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology.






Preparing for a surgery.





Associate Professor Nguyen Viet Tien performs an obstetrics laparoscopic surgery.






Each surgery takes place during over one  hour.





Doctor Nguyen Viet Tien highly concentrates on a surgery.




Other doctors learn experiences from a surgery of Associate Professor Nguyen Viet Tien.


Source: VNP