VietnamNet is pleased to present the article "The Wit and Simplicity of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong" by journalist Quoc Phong, former Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Thanh Nien newspaper. The article was published in VietNamNet on February 2, 2021.

To the Party members and the people nationwide, the 12th term of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong evokes special emotions for all that he has done for the country.

The mark that the leader of the Party and State has left throughout a long journey, especially during the recent term, will be deservedly recorded in our nation's history. On a personal level, he is indeed an outstanding politician with a high level of expertise, solid political courage, high prestige, and a very simple and close lifestyle.

The following stories are certainly just a small glimpse of what I know about him in his everyday life.


General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong in a simple everyday setting. Standing fourth and third from the right are journalist Thu Hong and her son Le Hong Anh.

Female journalist Thu Hong, a former reporter for Hanoi Radio and Television, had the honor of accompanying General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong from the time he was a Politburo member and Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee.

She spent about 20 years following Party, State, and National Assembly leader Nguyen Phu Trong and several other figures. Naturally, as a journalist, she has many memorable experiences...

Fondness for children

Thu Hong shared with me a memorable story of her and her son's interaction with our Party's high-ranking leader. These stories have left a lasting impression on her son from childhood to adulthood.

Mr. Nguyen Phu Trong is known for his close and warm relationships with his subordinates and has a special affection for journalists. Deep down, he always considered them his colleagues.

When he was still living on the second floor of house No. 11 on Dang Tat Street (Ba Dinh district, Hanoi), due to an urgent matter, Thu Hong asked her son to take her by a motorbike to Dang Tat Street to join other journalists at a meeting with Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee, Nguyen Phu Trong.

While everyone was joyfully engaged, journalist Thu Hong suddenly exclaimed, "Oh no, I've left Hong Anh waiting outside the gate!"

Mr. Trong gently responded, "Really? Then you should go down to see him right away! Don't worry so much! By the way, is his name Hong Anh?"

"Yes, his name is Le Hong Anh," replied Thu Hong. Unexpectedly, Mr. Trong smiled warmly, nodded, and then stood up to escort the guests to the gate.

Seeing her son outside the gate, Thu Hong felt a bit worried. Her son was visibly showing signs of frustration with his mother. To everyone's surprise, Mr. Trong waved to the boy and said, "Hello, General Minister of Public Security Le Hong Anh!"

It was a surprising moment that instantly changed Hong Anh's demeanor. He smiled brightly and responded, "Goodmorning, Uncle!"

At that moment, it was as if nothing had happened before. Hong Anh's face clearly showed delight at the unexpected humorous greeting from Uncle Trong. Later, he told his mother, "Why is Uncle Trong so kind and funny, mom?"

The story of the old Toyota Crown

When Le Hong Anh grew up, in 2012, his mother was assigned as a reporter to accompany General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on a visit to the United Kingdom. Hong Anh stayed home and followed the news program on television. He saw Mr. Trong wearing his usual suit during a meeting with British Prime Minister David Cameron.

In his youth, Hong Anh often spoke his mind, and as a university student, he had gained some knowledge about fashion. He understood the quality of the suits typically worn by politicians.

Upon her return to Vietnam, Thu Hong's son said, "Mom, I noticed that when Uncle Trong met with Prime Minister David Cameron, he wore a very nice suit, but Uncle Trong's suit was too simple! Uncle looks so good, if he wore a fashionable suit, it would be perfect."

Thu Hong acknowledged her son's observation but also thought to herself that it was indeed true. Uncle Trong had likely worn that same suit for over a decade.

The next day, Thu Hong shared the story with General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. He responded with a warm smile, saying, "Tell Hong Anh that this is exactly what makes Uncle Nguyen Phu Trong!"

A few times later, Thu Hong subtly suggested to the staff and security team, "Perhaps we could find a way to gently persuade the family to hide those old suits and buy a new one for the boss?"

The staff laughed heartily and waved off the suggestion, "No way! Our boss's outfits are all 'officially assigned.' You see, he rotates his suits within those few pieces, and it's hard to get new ones!"

On a visit to Cuba, the General Secretary wore a light-colored suit with a loose button. Journalist Thu Hong quickly noticed and fixed it, taking the "golden opportunity" to suggest he get a new suit. The General Secretary replied, "It's still good, no need to change."

A leader who has held high positions for over 27 years since mid-term 7 in 1994; a National Assembly delegate for four terms (over 18 years); a Politburo member for six terms (over 22 years); and who has held the three highest positions in the Party, State, and National Assembly. Yet, he still uses an official car, an old Toyota Crown (model 1998) that is now 22 years old.

This car was previously used by former General Secretary Nong Duc Manh when he was Chairman of the National Assembly until 2000. When Nong Duc Manh became General Secretary, he handed the car over to the National Assembly Office and used a new car provided by the Central Office. His successor, Nguyen Phu Trong, continued to use this old car, which had already been in service for eight years by then.

It is surprising that even now, Nguyen Phu Trong has not changed to a new car. This is extremely rare among our leaders. He has every right to get a new car, especially for someone in a "four pillars" leadership position...

A few years ago, his wife still used an old Honda Cub. His children are humble public servants in society.

"Even his son, who attended a course at the Political Academy, was not widely recognized as the son of the Party and State leader until after half a year," revealed journalist Xuan Toan, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Dan Tri newspaper, who was in the same class. This revelation surprised both him and me.

"Please leave all titles outside this room"

Former students from the 8th cohort of the Faculty of Literature at Hanoi General University, such as journalists Duong Duc Quang, Vu Duy Thong, Duong Quang Minh, and Tran Duc Chinh, have shared stories with me. They recounted that even when their fellow classmate became the head of the capital, he would quietly ride a motorbike back to visit the Faculty of Literature, much to the surprise of teachers and friends.

He remained just an older student returning to his alma mater, without fanfare, without an entourage, and without any ostentation.


General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong at the 13th Party Congress. Photo: Pham Hai

Even when he was General Secretary and President, he remained humble. At a reunion with his old classmates, he said, "Please leave all titles outside this room. I come here forever as a student of my teachers. I come here forever as a classmate of all of you... Titles are like fleeting clouds!"
With one term as Chairman of the National Assembly and now re-elected for another term as General Secretary, making it three terms in total, the 13th Party Congress recognized his case as a special one among the special cases. Additionally, in recent years, he has also taken on the role of President. Indeed, his responsibilities are enormous and burdensome, especially at a time when the entire Party has to declare war on all negative phenomena that have accumulated over many years, posing a life-and-death threat to the regime.
Despite this, he has taken on these responsibilities and embarked on the "furnace lighting" task, as I wrote at the beginning of this article. In every position, his simple lifestyle and approachable demeanor with everyone, including his staff, have earned him respect and admiration from all who know him.


General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong at the press conference following the closing session of the Party Congress.

In Nguyen Phu Trong, we see exceptional wisdom, intellectual prowess, and a methodical, decisive working style. These qualities will undoubtedly be remembered in those very significant historical moments.

It is clear that the country still needs leaders with both talent and virtue like him.

In the future, we will inevitably recall his exemplary life and political career. The life of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong is indeed a beautiful aspect that we deeply cherish. We hope that the current and future generations of leaders who have and will work with him will strive to learn from and emulate his example.

In his work, he handled matters objectively, impartially, and humanely, yet without lacking decisiveness.

He is a leader who does not tolerate wrongdoing and has been the "Special stove keeper," rekindling the people's trust in the Party and the State, demonstrating that this State belongs to the people, is created by the people, and works for the people.

Quang Phong