The third overseas Vietnamese conference themed "overseas Vietnamese join hands in quick and sustainable development and international integration of HCMC" will take place from November 11-13.


Overseas Vietnamese celebrate Tet festival in HCMC 

Over 500 Vietnamese national residents from 36 countries and territories will attend the event.

Today, four groups of overseas Vietnamese experts, intellectuals and entrepreneurs will visit Saigon Hi-Tech Park in District 9, Can Gio and Cu Chi districts.

During the conference, they will focus on the city’s sustainable development, human resources, science-technology development, intellectual economics and trade and service investment.

In addition, the overseas experts will give their opinions, suggestions and solutions for urgent as well as the long term and sustainable development of the country and HCMC in particular.

Especially, the conference will shape a mechanism to set up groups of overseas Vietnamese experts to consult for the city leaders to materialize ideas, initiatives and useful and practical programs for the city’s development.

According to the Overseas Vietnamese Affairs Committee under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, HCMC is the economic hub of Vietnam with the largest number of Vietnamese living and working abroad.

The city has received the highest volume of overseas remittances, investment and contribution by overseas Vietnamese experts and intellectuals.

On the occasion of the conference, the Prime Minister is expected to meet outstanding overseas Vietnamese.

The first and second conference was hosted in 2009 and 2012, respectively.