Thousands of tourists have been stranded on Co To Island in the northern province of Quang Ninh because of the bad weather.


Tourists have been stranded on Co To Island

According to Hoang Ba Nam, Secretary of Co To District Party Committee, rough seas and high waves affected the island yesterday, July 9, forcing the provincial Inland Waterway Administration to ban all vessels from leaving or going to Co To Island for around five hours.


Vessels allowed to resume operations when the weather condition improved

As a result, by the middle of the day, up to 7,000 thousands of travellers were stuck on the island. Vessels were allowed to resume their operations when the weather condition improved at around 2 pm. However, only around 3,000 people left the island.

Local authorities asked hotels and restaurants on the island not to raise their service fees for tourists who have to stay more to wait for vessels.

A similar incident happened on June 14-16 last year, where more than 2,000 tourists were stuck the on the island due to the bad weather.
