Three people in the central province of Nghe An died after drinking alcohol soaked in plants taken from a local forest.


The plants used to be soaked in the alcohol

The three victims Moong Van Di, Moong Van Tue and Lo Thi Van in Cha Lan Village, Huu Lap Commune died, while Lu Van Kham has been hospitalised in critical condition.   

According to Nghe An Province’s Department of Health, on the afternoon of March 12, the four people drank the alcohol during a meal at Di’s house.

Some 30 minutes later, Tue felt dizzy and then lost consciousness at the dining table. Di called neighbours for help, then he faced the same situation at the stairs.

Kham also suffered from breathing difficulties and then vomited, while Van went to bed for after feeling dizzy and passed out.

The victims were taken to the district’s medical centre; however, they died just over an hour later.

The death is suspected due to toxic substances which might be contained in the plants which were collected in the forest by Di. Alcohol, which was also made by Di, was used after ten days being soaked with the plants.

The provincial Health Department is conducting tests on the alcohols samples.
