It was late in the afternoon and an old woman was stooping in the house corner arranging some dry wood.


109-year-old Le Thi Thoai arranges dry wood at her house

Vu Thi Luu, 75, said that that was her mother-in-law, Le Thi Thoai, and she was preparing for winter.

"She is 109 years old now and we don't want her to do any work but whenever we go out, she will walk around to sweep the yard or tidy up the garden," Luu said, adding that her mother can still have a wash and sometimes do the washing up by herself.

The daughter-in-law who lives in the same house also revealed that her mother hasn't had to see the doctor for the past 50 years.



Le Thi Thoai and her daughter-in-law

When being introduced to us, Thoai sent a big smile, saying that she is living happily with her children.

"I have just seen my first great great grandchild," Thoai shared with a clear and cheerful voice.

The daughter-in-law said that keeping a positive mood and leading a well-ordered life may be the tips to her mother's good health.

"Her life was hard as my father-in-law died early when she was pregnant their third child," Luu said. "She raised three children alone in poverty but she always keep positive thoughts and never complains."

Some 100 metres away from Thoai's house in Yen Thanh District in the central province of Nghe An, her sister, Le Thi Muu is also living in good health at 107 years old.



Le Thi Muu talks about her tips to have good health

Muu lives with her youngest son, Le Anh Dao who is now 68.

Dao said that his father died in the French War in 1950 and mother raised three children on her own with lots of hardship.

"As our father was a war martyr, we were exempted from military service but my mother still encouraged us to fight in the American War," Dao recalled. "Our eldest brother died in a battle in 1967, while both my second brother and I got injured in that war. My mother had been awarded the Vietnamese Heroic Mother title with her scarification."

According to the son, his mother has very good health and rarely falls ill.

"She eats in moderation, three meals a day mainly rice and greens," he said. "She never has alcohol or sweetened drinks. And she usually uses herbs as medicine for some health problems including coughs, sore throats or stomachache."

Dao also said that her mother can now still remember and tell the names of all her grandchildren and 19 great grandchildren.

The third sister, Le Thi Mui is also living well with her son in the same village at the age of 104.

"Some two years ago, I used to walk on my own to visit my two sisters every day but now I need support from my children," Mui said. "I'm happy because we’re still together at this age. And happy feelings help us live longer."

"The three sisters share a sense of humour," Dao said. "Due to old age, they can’t visit one another very often, but whenever they meet, our homes are full of laughter. This may be one of their tips for living long and well. And we’re proud of them."

Phap Luat VN/Dtinews