About 30 manhole covers on pavement in HCM City’s District 5 have been turned into streetside paintings by art students as part of a programme to raise awareness about environmental protection and urban beauty.


A countryside scene on Tan Da Street in District 5’s Ward 10. 

The programme was organised by the Youth Union in the district’s Ward 10 in co-operation with a volunteer student group from Sài Gòn University’s fine arts faculty, beginning in early April, with funds from enterprises and sponsors.

The manhole covers on Tản Đà, Hải Thượng Lãn Ông and Triệu Quang Phục streets in Ward 10 were painted with images of landscapes, nature and animals.

Nguyễn Hữu Tài, 38, a resident on Hải Thượng Lãn Ông, said: "The creative work makes the streets look bright and cheerful."

Previously, the ward staff had painted messages on the manhole covers such as “Do not put garbage here or in garbage drains: it causes flooding”. But it was not effective. 

Võ Thanh Nhã, secretary of the district’s Youth Union, said: "Sometimes, I’ve seen people living nearby clean the dirty paintings with water."


Landscape drawing of a hill, green trees and blue clouds.


Fish swimming in water, a scene on a painted manhole cover. 


A painting depicting an evening at the beach. 


Triệu Quang Phục Street in District 5’s Ward 10 now has colourful decorations on the street. 


A cement manhole cover covered with a 3D painting. 


Art students at Sài Gòn University use special paint to cover the manholes. 


Members of Ward 10’s Youth Union clean dirty manhole covers before putting a coat of white paint on the cover.