Thuy Phap is a unique Vietnamese martial art found by martial art master Huynh Chieu Duong in Belgium. The art has attracted the participation of many international learners.

Thuy Phap, a soft martial art similar to tai chi, was found by master Huynh Chieu Duong in Belgium in 2002
Learners of the martial arts gain better fitness, blood circulation and balance between Yin and Yang
Thuy Phap consists of 8 series of circular water movements
Master Huynh Chieu Duong instructs a learner
A Belgian practices basic movements
Learners practice Thuy Phap
Learners practice Thuy Phap
Learners practice Thuy Phap
Brugidou Jérémie has practiced the martial art for 15 years
Cudgel, knife, sword, and fan are used in Thuy Phap
Learners of Thuy Phap at Ho Chi Minh City International Traditional Martial Arts in July 2018