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Vietnamese photographers claim first prizes in UK photo contest

Local photographers Nguyen Huu Thong and Tran Viet Van have won the first prizes in the Food at the Table and Street Food categories in the Pink Lady Food Photographer of the Year Awards in the UK.

Fresh COVID-19 wave ‘more complicated’ due to different infection sources

The latest COVID-19 wave to hit Vietnam is more complicated to deal with than previous ones as there are various sources of infection,

Trademark trickery blurs rice status

Unlike regional competition, Vietnamese branding approaches of well-established rice varieties could still see some improvements because of existing ambiguities in the product development strategies of the responsible government agencies.

SLNA face the dreaded drop for first time

Of the 14 teams in the V.League 1, Song Lam Nghe An (SLNA) are the only never to have played below the top tier.

Service boosts with hospital autonomy

Hospital autonomy is proving to be an optimal solution to enable state-run hospitals to increase their operational efficiency, thus better benefiting locals.

Tax policies for property sector must be carefully studied: finance ministry

Tax policies for the real estate sector must be carefully studied and introduced at the appropriate time to ensure feasibility and limit speculation, according to the Ministry of Finance.

Ho Chi Minh City aims to be a smart, world-class city

HCM City is looking for breakthrough models and solutions to realize the goal of becoming a smart, dynamic, creative, regional- and international class metropolis, the city’s Chairman Nguyen Thanh Phong said.

'Land fever' harming the economy: experts

Realtors typically seek profits by developing the investment value of land, rather than by increasing land prices.


COVID-19: 60 cases documented on May 6


Vietnam’s production rises at fastest pace since Nov 2018

Health Minister gets AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine shot

Minister of Health Nguyen Thanh Long received his first dose of the AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine alongside three deputy ministers on May 6 in Hanoi.

Le Hong Quang appointed Party Secretary of An Giang Province

The southern province of An Giang has had the new Party Chief - Mr. Le Hong Quang.

More local banks have young leaders

Ms. Tran Thi Thu Hang, CEO of Sunshine Group, has become the youngest leader in Vietnam’s banking industry after being appointed chairwoman of KienLongBank.

Value sharing and opportunities for Vietnamese suppliers in global value chain

Multinationals corporations and foreign-invested enterprises increasingly focus on sustainability in their cooperation with local suppliers, 

Warning of loopholes in Covid-19 testing in Vietnam

Experts said that it is necessary to carefully consider the sample collecting techniques used for Covid-19 tests.

China's fishing ban strongly opposed

The Vietnam Fisheries Association vehemently opposes China’s wrong, unilateral act of a fishing ban in waters under the sovereignty of Vietnam.

New programme on cai luong, tuong launched

A new drama programme about cai luong (reformed opera) and tuong (classical drama) has been launched by two private theatres in HCM City. 

Khanh Van looks confident in US for Miss Universe 2021

Vietnamese contestant Khanh Van has participated in the first activity of the Miss Universe 2021 pageant which is underway in the United States, with the beauty wearing an outfit featuring the national flags of both Vietnam and the US.

BOT investors face debt, heavy losses for massive loans

Build-operate-transfer (BOT) investors are falling into a debt trap and incurring heavy losses due to a decline in the toll fee collection, 

Early voting organised in 12 provinces, cities nationwide

Given special geographical and job conditions, many constituencies nationwide have been allowed to hold early voting so that their voters can exercise citizens’ rights and responsibilities.