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New sitcom draws teen viewers

 VietNamNet Bridge – 5S Online, a popular new sitcom aimed at teenagers, demonstrates that the sitcom genre is catching on in Viet Nam.

The land of garlic

 VietNamNet Bridge – Ly Son Island some 30 kilometers off the central province of Quang Ngai is better known as “the kingdom of garlic” thanks to its vast garlic fields with a pungent aroma.

Land price proposal affects 97,000 households, individuals in HCM City

VietNamNet Bridge – More than 97,000 households and individuals in HCMC will be affected by the new land prices proposed by the HCMC Department of Natural Resources and Environment if they are approved.

Smartphone use 'changing our brains'

 Our brains are adapting to touchscreen smartphone technology say researchers who have carried out a study on human volunteers.

Private investors show interest in state-owned enterprises

 VietNamNet Bridge – State-owned enterprises (SOEs) under equitization are turning out to be very attractive in the eyes of private investors.

Breaking impasse in tackling bad debts

 VietNamNet Bridge – There is widespread belief that state-owned bad debt buyer Vietnam Asset Management Company (VAMC) needs to quicken the sale of bad debts it has bought from banks.


Vietnam allows Uber, but under strict monitoring; Vinacomin set to produce 38 million tonnes of coal next year; US investment fund to inject US$300 mil into Vietnam; New firms on Ha Noi Stock Exchange enjoy growth

WB approves $450 million for sanitation project in HCM City

The World Bank announced on December 24 that its Board of Executive Directors approved $450 million in loans for Vietnam to carry out the second phase of an environmental sanitation project in Ho Chi Minh City.

Drifting Chinese ship towed to Nha Trang port

 A Chinese fishing vessel was successfully towed to Nha Trang port in the central province of Khanh Hoa on December 24.

Airfare ceiling lowered, but airfares to remain the same

 VietNamNet Bridge – The Ministry of Finance (MOF) has decided to lower the ceiling airfare for domestic air routes, but airlines say the air ticket prices will not go down.

Institutional reform quality is crucial - deputy minister

 Institutional reform quality is crucial - deputy minister; Magnitude 2.9 earthquake hits Hue district; Localities take measures to stop foot-and-mouth disease; Cold front leaves frost in Lao Cai; Investigation launched into bridge repair work

2014: a tough year for Vietnam’s education

 VietNamNet Bridge – This year has been an unlucky one for Vietnamese educators as many new policies issued by the watchdog agencies have faced harsh criticism from the public.

Ad firms call new regulations “absurd”

VietNamNet Bridge – About 70 percent of advertising firms in HCM City are expected to shut down in 2015 if current regulations are not amended.

Models ignore state rules to compete in international beauty pageants

 Downtown flower street to feature rural beauty; Models ignore state rules to compete in international beauty pageants; Vestiges of ancient village found on northern riverbank; Da Lat rings in the New Year with cultural festival

Lam Dong gears up for major tourism festivals

 VietNamNet Bridge – Lam Dong Province is rolling up its sleeves for major tourism and cultural festivals next week to mark the end of the 2014 National Tourism Year of Central Highlands-Dalat.

Four Vietnamese hotels hailed as world’s best

 VietNamNet Bridge - For the second straight year, the same four Vietnamese hotels achieved coveted placement on the T+L 500, an awards list compiled by Travel + Leisure magazine in the United States.

China's Alibaba spent $160m fighting fake goods

 Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba says it has spent over $160m (£103m) fighting fake goods on its websites from the beginning of 2013 to November of this year.

Where to celebrate Christmas

Those still undecided over a place to enjoy Christmas may consider the following hotels, restaurants and entertainment places to have a celebration with their loved ones.

Domestic investors want to sell wind power at 17 cents per kwh

 VietNamNet Bridge – Vietnamese investors say they can only make a profit if windpower is bought at more than 17 US cents per kwh by 2015. But foreign investors have not shown interest in such purchases.

SHB Da Nang sign foreign players

 SHB Da Nang has signed Melquiades Canderlario Gomez of Spain and Pejic Anto of Croatia in preparation for next year's V-League season.