The event saw the presence of Party General Secretary and State President To Lam, former Party General Secretary Nong Duc Manh, former State President Nguyen Minh Triet, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, former PM Nguyen Tan Dung, National Assembly (NA) Chairman Tran Thanh Man, and former Chairpersons of the NA Nguyen Van An, Nguyen Sinh Hung and Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan.

It was also attended by incumbent and former officials of the Party Central Committee’s Politburo and Secretariat, along with incumbent and former Vice State Presidents, Deputy PMs, and NA Vice Chairpersons.

On behalf of the Politburo, Permanent member of the Secretariat Luong Cuong reported on some activities and key results that the Party Central Committee, Politburo, and Secretariat have obtained so far this year, as well as the tasks for the remaining months and beyond.

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The Politburo's meeting with incumbent and former leaders of the Party, State and Vietnam Fatherland Front in Hanoi on August 15 (Photo: VNA)

Representing the Politburo and Secretariat, General Secretary and President Lam offered greetings to the incumbent and former leaders.

He said the recent passing of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, a particularly excellent leader, is an irreparable loss. The state funeral was held solemnly, showing the entire Party, people and army’s endless grief over his death.

Appreciating participants’ contributions to the Party, the nation and the people, he attributed the recent achievements to enormous efforts by the entire Party, people, army and political system, including the incumbent and former leaders and officials of the Party and State.

The Politburo and Secretariat are strongly promoting leadership to ensure the targets and tasks set in the resolution of the 13th National Party Congress are soon implemented successfully. Priority is being given to tackling institutional bottlenecks to create the best possible conditions for all activities to take place normally in line with law, contribute to national development, improve the quality of people’s life, and facilitate activities of people, organisations and enterprises, as well as both domestic and foreign entrepreneurs.

The combat against corruption and negative phenomena is also being pushed ahead in a resolute and persevering manner, helping build a strong Party and promote sustainable economic development, Lam noted.

The leader went on to say that to prevent risks, successfully realise the 13th National Party Congress’s Resolution, and thoroughly prepare for the 14th National Party Congress to herald a new era for the country, the entire Party, people and army need to unceasingly enhance solidarity, exert joint efforts, maximise opportunities and advantages, and optimise every resource, firstly intrinsic and human resources.

The achievements and experience of predecessors are always treasured and brought into play, he affirmed, voicing his hope to continue receiving assistance, support and opinions from incumbent and former Party, State and Vietnam Fatherland Front leaders.

Lam said he believes with their enthusiasm and precious experience, they will continue making contributions to the glorious revolutionary cause of the Party, nation and people./.VNA