VietNamNet Bridge - Many top-tier universities have been denounced for ‘playing unfair’ and scrambling for students as they accept registrations from students who got only a 15.5 score on 3 exam subjects, equal to the floor mark set by the Ministry of Education & Training (MOET).


Hanoi Medical University, Thai Binh Medical University, Vinh Medical University,  Hanoi Law University and Hanoi University have announced that students who received 15.5 score from the national high school finals can apply at the schools.

However, experts have warned that students need to think carefully before applying for the schools. Students have the right to apply if they have a 15.5 score, but this doesn’t mean their applications will be accepted.

Hanoi Medical University, Thai Binh Medical University, Vinh Medical University,  Hanoi Law University and Hanoi University have announced that students who received 15.5 score from the national high school finals can apply at the schools.

Since these are top-tier schools, they are very choosy when enrolling students. In 2016, to be admitted into the schools, students had to have over 20 score.

Commenting about the move by top-tier schools, Lam Quang Thiep, former director of MOET’s University Education Department, said the schools were trying to ‘encroach on the domain of less prestigious schools’.

Thiep went on to say that it is now the right time to remove the floor mark scheme. Since MOET has given autonomy to schools, it should no longer intervene in their business by setting up the floor mark, but let them make decisions.

Many schools have expressed their concern that they may not find enough students because of competition from top-tier schools.

“It would be very difficult for less prestigious schools to enroll enough students because students would prefer applying to better schools,” a training officer of a school said, adding that in order to ensure fairness among schools, MOET should control the numbers of students called by schools and the schools’ enrolment quotas.

He also warned that the move by top-tier schools not only deprives less prestigious schools the opportunities to enroll good students, but also causes confusion as they don’t know where to apply.

Do Van Dung, president of the HCMC University of Polytechnic Education, said he opposed the top-tier schools’ decision to receive applications from students who just got 15.5 score.

He emphasized that with the analysis technique, educators all have predicted that the minimum marks students must have to be admitted into universities this year will be higher than last year because the exam scores this year were higher.

“The schools which required the exam mark of 23 in 2016 must not require less than 23 this year,” he said.

“So, why do the schools receive applications from the students who got 15.5 score only, if they know in advance that the students won’t be admitted?” he questioned.


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Tien Phong