The total number of public holidays next year is set at 21 days, announced the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs on August 6.


State employees will have a total of 21 days off for public holidays next year.

Accordingly, State employees will be granted four days off during the New Year holiday, from Saturday, December 29, 2018, to the following Tuesday, January 1, 2019. They will have to work the following Saturday, January 5, to make up the extra day off on Monday, December 31, 2018.

Meanwhile, the Lunar New Year (Tet) break will last for nine consecutive days, from Saturday, February 2, until the end of Sunday, February10.

On the occasion of the commemoration for Hung Kings – the traditional founders of the nation, which falls on the 10th day of the third lunar month (April 14), State employees will have three days off, from April 13 to 15.

In celebration of the April 30 Victory Day and Labour Day, civil servants and officials will take a five day leave from Saturday, April 27, until the end of Wednesday on May 1. They will have to work on the next Saturday, May 5, in lieu of the extra day off on Monday, April 29.

As the National Day on September 2 falls on Sunday, State employees will be given three days off work from Saturday, September 1 to Monday, September 3 with the latter compensating for Sunday.

The labour ministry also noticed agencies and units that do not have regular weekend breaks to arrange appropriate holidays based on their specific programmes and plans.

Nhan Dan