Vien Dong Import-Export Company yesterday sent a letter of apology and $1,000 in compensation for a female tourist who stumbled over an iron hook left by the company.


The female visitor bleeds after the incident (Photo: SGGP)

After a meeting with the People’s Committee in District 1, the company sent a letter of apology and the sum of $ 1,000 to the elderly female foreigner who fell flat on her face in the pavement in Le Loi- Nam Ky Khoi Nghia Street on April 4.

Additionally, the company must cover all medical cost for the female. 

Before, Deputy Chairman of People’s Committee in district 1 Doan Ngoc Hai asked the company to make apology to the female foreign visitor when he read information of the incident on newspaper. 

Through investigation, related agencies verified the iron picket-pin made by Vien Dong Company for music performance in the Tet holiday (Lunar New Year). 

Deputy Chairman Hai also asked the company to remove the iron hook in the street for pedestrians’ safety.