Traffic accidents cost Viet Nam 2.5 per cent of its annual GDP as per World Health Organisation estimates, said Khuat Viet Hung, vice-chairman of the National Committee for Traffic Safety.


A traffic accident happens in national highway this month. 

According to Hung, traffic accidents are not a problem to Viet Nam alone but a global concern.

“Last year, the number of accidents and casualties dropped in Viet Nam, but traffic accidents still kill 9,000 people every year, which is 24 people every day,” Hùng said, quoting the figures released by the Ministry of Public Security, which  reflect on-the-spot fatalities.

The number of deaths would be higher if the fatalities among hospitalised victims after 30 days of accident are calculated, as per the international standard.

“Although the number of traffic accidents has reduced in the last year, the drop is not stable,” Hung said.

To effectively reduce traffic accidents, the government must mobilise all social resources to study and share experiences, and consult on traffic safety.