Traffic accidents killed 7,907 people and injured 17,184 others between December 16, 2015 and November 15, 2016.


The data was revealed at a meeting held yesterday in Hanoi by the National Committee for Traffic Safety, reported by the Voice of Viet Nam online newspaper.

Khuat Viet Hung, vice chairman of the committee, said the number of fatal cases was lower than the previous period and the number of injured people was also 1,990 lower than the previous period.

The total number of traffic accidents was 19,429; 1,426 cases less than the previous period.

Although the number of traffic accidents showed signs of decline, tragic traffic accidents were more recorded, he said.

Meanwhile, traffic congestion in November was lower compared with October in the two major cities of Hanoi and HCM.

However, the situation might get worse in a couple of months before the Lunar New Year, he said.

Speaking at the meeting, Minister of Transport Truong Quang Nghia ordered public transport services to continue ensuring safety for passengers in the coming months – the time before Lunar New Year when traffic accidents occurred with higher frequency each year.

Also at the meeting, participants discussed methods to ensure traffic safety during the New Year and the Lunar New Year holidays.