Hanoi will ban traffic from many streets during the two-day funeral of State President Tran Dai Quang.



The ban will be applied from 6 am to 10 pm on September 26 and from 6 am to 12 pm on September 27.

Trucks and lorries over half a tonne and passenger buses with over 25 seats will be banned from many main streets including Ly Thuong Kiet, Hai Ba Trung and Tran Hung Dao. Vehicles will be completely banned on some streets around the National Funeral Home such as Tang Bat Ho, Hang Chuoi, Han Thuyen and Tran Thanh Tong.

Traffic flow will be limited on many main streets in Hanoi on September 27 such as Kim Ma, Nguy Nhu Kon Tum, Khuat Duy Tien and Nguyen Tuan. The police in Hanoi asked drivers to follow traffic rules and traffic police's directives.

People from other provinces who come to Hanoi to pay tribute to State President Tran Dai Quang are advised to find a parking lot and walk to the funeral home.

From 7 am to 12 pm on September 27, those who want to travel from Hanoi to Ninh Binh were advised to go to the old National Highway 1A. Vehicles from southern to northern areas should use Thanh Tri Bridge-Highway 5-Ly Son-Truong Sa-Hoang Sa-Vo Van Kiet route.
